Unlock Ethereal Shoegaze Textures With Valhalla Super Massive

Valhalla Super Massive

Valhalla Super Massive is a powerful and flexible plugin that can add lush, ethereal textures to your shoegaze guitars. It's totally free but it's a serious production tool! I myself use it quite often to produce my music because it's just incredible.


Setup Valhalla Super Massive

You can either insert Valhalla Super Massive on your track directly or can be used as a send effect on an auxiliary bus. Both approaches have their own advantages in different situation.

In short, using it as a send effect will give you more control over the wet/dry balance because you are copying a dry signal to the aux without changing the original signal. Also, it allows you to use the same reverb settings across multiple tracks.

Either Choose A Preset Or Experiment from Scratch

Valhalla Super Massive comes with a list of great preset that is production ready in my opinion. My favourite is SeaBeams. You can choose a preset and keep tweaking the parameters until satisfied or start from scratch.

Extra Tips

By using Valhalla Super Massive as a send effect, you can further process the effect using other plugins! For example, I always add a EQ after the Valhalla Super Massive because it allows me to fine-tune the sound.

I'm sure this FREE plugin is a powerful tool for shoegaze musician. Just keep tweaking and you'll sculpt your own perfect space!

Look for a mixing engineer who understands your music?

Struggling to nail that perfect mix by yourself? The mixing engineers you hired didn't understand your music? Did they put on a weird face when you ask for more reverb or effect?

Hi, I'm Derrick. A mixing engineer with an artistic mind. I specialize in atmospheric and ethereal genres such as shoegaze, post-rock and ambient. I love these genres and also an active musician so I have the skills and the vision to help you nail the perfect mix!

Explore my website to view my portfolio and get in touch. Let's work together to elevate your music with my mixing.